As 2022 comes to a close, I am exploring some new options in writing and creating.  This is the launching of the true (well, mostly) story of my quest to find out if fairy tales come true in real life.  More specifically, in my life.  No offense, but your fairy tale quest is all on you 😊.  This seems to be a hard and fast rule of how things work in fairy tale land. We’ve all grown up with the books, Disney movies, TV shows, and of course, celebrity weddings. Traditionally, the beautiful Damsel in Distress gets rescued by the painfully Handsome Prince who slays all the dragons and just happens to be smart and rich and in search of a forever mate.  A huge wedding celebration ensues, and the entire kingdom rejoices.  And of course, the lucky couple lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER with never any worries about the increasing number of poisonous snakes in the moat or a new type of flying monkey recently captured in the kitchen.

After the divorce from Husband C in 2020, I took a deep look at how I had made the 3 choices of husbands so far.  I say so far because I still have the dream of magic, fairy dust swirling all around, and angels singing in the background as the setting for my significant-other relationship. Not to mention how good I look in a tiara.  It’s hard wired into me and apparently into a lot of other people judging by the crazy amounts of money spent on weddings and honeymoons.   How can so many people believe if it’s all a big fat lie?   In 2021, it became a challenge to me to find out for myself.  Where had I gone wrong? Had I gone wrong? Did I want and deserve to live happily ever after?  What does that even mean? When does ever after start?   I decided to launch a quest.  I would gather data.  I would experiment.  I would learn how to attract rather than chase.  I would enter the mystical kingdom of online dating (there be dragons)!  I would ask lots of questions like why do we want the fairy tale in the first place, is there an age limit to qualify?  How many chances do we get?  Is it 3 strikes and you’re out?   Are the rules the same as they used to be?  Might I still have to go to sleep for a really long time and wait for a wakeful smooch?  Or might I have to run around with only one shoe for a while?  Or would there be lots of frog kisses?  And really essential, would my fairy godmother be skilled in advising me to swipe right or left?

Thus begins The Adventures of the Knights in Tarnished Armor.  Stories from a two-year epic journey that open with the Tale of Prince Lyndon from a faraway land formerly known as Bohemia.  It’s all unfolding on my website Alignment Mojo:  Views from Inside the Vortex (www.alignmentmojo.com).  I am building it so you will come! 

For holiday gift giving, or to treat yourself, my book, Power Up Your Woo Woo is available on Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Ingram Spark, Google Play, Audible, and Barnes & Noble to name a few. Paperback, hardback, e-book, audio book and journal. THANK YOU again if you have already left a review on Amazon (or elsewhere) for the book or journal. I do so APPRECIATE it. Follow this link to leave your honest review on Amazon : ReviewPowerUpYourWooWoo.And please enjoy my fun and feisty Tarot Empowerment Quiz.


(Tarot cards are from the Rider-Waite original deck).

Take what resonates with you.

THE CHARIOT  - As 2022 comes to a close, the charioteer encourages us to move boldly in the direction of our dreams and plans.  The energy of The Chariot is that of a divinely connected warrior. Determination, focus, and confidence are called for now and in the weeks ahead.  In alignment with our Highest Good, we have all the resources we need to succeed as we make our way into the new year. What existing resources can you see from a more allowing perspective?

THE ACE OF CUPS– Compassion, open heart spaces, loving and generous energies are all flowing now.  A great time for creative projects and new ideas that seem to come out of nowhere.  Listen to your intuition and allow the joy that this card brings. Be open to new relationships of all types and opportunities to nurture existing relationships.

THE HIGH PRIESTESS – If we are experiencing any blocks (fear-based/limiting thinking), the High Priestess reminds us to go to our own inner sanctuary to connect with Divine Guidance and heal these.   Meditation, nature walks, music.  Whatever helps you go within.  Keeping a dream journal is also great way to tap in to this loving guidance. When we are ready to receive, the messages make sense to us. A-ha moments await!

8 OF WANDS– Fast-paced change and inspired action are coming.  The possibility of travel, especially by air, is indicated.  The way has been cleared/is being cleared for us to make rapid progress toward important goals.  We must get crystal clear on what we want to do, make, or have, and then focus consistently so that distractions don’t slow us down.  High energy!

 THE SHEKINAH- (Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light oracle deck) It’s time to express yourself!  Your voice, message, art, whatever you are passionate about – put it out there!  People need and want to experience the gifts you have to share.  By doing so, you raise the vibe of not only yourself, but also of others. You will make new connections and find others on a similar path to your own.

THE ZIGZAG SPIDER- (Maia Toll’s The Illustrated Bestiary oracle deck) What is the design of our lives?  How has it changed over the years?  Are we intentionally creating the kinds of lives we love?  Let’s remember to express gratitude for the connections with people, events, information, experiences from which we continue to learn and grow.

DANCE- (Jody Bergsma’s Magical Times Empowerment deck) Let’s focus on joy and fun as we close out 2022 and enter a new year. Yes, there will always be challenges along the way.  Yes, we will sometimes experience setbacks or delays, but let’s look for the gifts in all that we experience.  We always have control and choice about how we react.  2023 is looking good to me!

May you celebrate a joyful holiday season full of love and light!


Appreciation. Freedom. Options. Joy. Growth.

